Pathos Definition and real life examples.

 What is pathos?
Pathos is the meaning of the word of sympathy, empathy and apathy. It refers to how speakers and writers use speech to appeal to the emotions of their audience. All though can make the writing more relatable by forming and emotional connection with the audience. 

A Real-life Example 01:
We all know about the 2019 Dhaka Chowk-bazar Churihatta tragic fire incident. The tragic incident of that day made the entire Bangladesh sad. This incident of Chowk-bazar fire in 2019 left a terrible dark effect in the history of Bangladesh.
The day was 20 February 2019, the time was 10 pm. Everything was going on as usual. The people of Chowk-bazar finished their day's work and were returning home. I was hanging out on my friend's roof in the suburbs like every day. Everyone was laughing and chilling, suddenly a loud sound was heard from the road of “Shahi Mosque in Churihatta”, the sound cannot be expressed in words. After a while the black night sky turned red. We see from the roof that the neighboring buildings were illuminated with intense yellow and red light. None of us could understand anything. After a while, everyone on the street could be heard shouting fire, after hearing this sound, we hurriedly came down from the house to the street. On the street, I see that there is no electricity in any area, and everyone is running towards Chowk-bazar, there is a strange chaos going on in almost every house and every person in the area. Seeing them, a chaos and unusual curiosity started working in all of us, so we all started walking towards Chowk-bazar, it seemed strange because there is no electricity in any area and every street is covered in a terrible darkness. As we move towards the place, the crowd of people increases with us and everyone's destination is Chowk-bazar. So, we can understand that something big has happened. At one stage we saw everyone running back and warning everyone of us, but at that time we were a little scared, but our curiosity dared to calm us down and went ahead again. Then when we reached Chowk-bazar, none of us were ready to see the atmosphere there. People are screaming all around, everyone is pushing and running, everyone is trying desperately to leave the place. Then after hundreds of harassments we go to the mine site and see a scene that none of us could believe, a monstrous fire engulfing the entire area. The fire continues to grow and transform into a monstrous monster every second. It was learned from nearby people that due to the collision between a pickup van and a private car, the gas cylinder in the private car exploded, causing the explosion to spread to the chemical store in the adjacent building and quickly spread to nearby buildings in the densely populated Chowk-bazar district of Old Dhaka. Fire service vehicles could not reach the spot due to excessive crowd and narrow roads. Due to which many people are trapped in the fire, we were hearing the horrible screams of people from outside but no one could do anything, the rescue team was rescuing as much as possible, because their vehicles could not come to the place, they could not do any work without proper equipment’s. Most of those who were being rescued were burnt, even today the body shuddered to remember the scene. Most of those who were being rescued are losing their skin, some are coming out crippled, some are dying of burns. 

 Wrecks of fires and mourning fleets (Collected from Google)


I saw such a tragic and horrible situation unfold before my eyes for the first time. Some family's sons and daughters were waiting for their father to return home, some's wife was waiting for her husband, mothers were waiting for their sons to return home. A wedding ceremony was taking place next to that area, did anyone know that! the wedding would turn into a horrible tragic scene. How many people lost their family that night. Those who died could not even think that their death would be so tragic, no family thought that they would lose their loved ones in this way. At least 80 people were killed and 50 injured in the fire that night. Today almost 2 years have passed since that incident, but then when I remember that night, my chest trembles. We are very lucky that there was no one of our own at that time. But those who had, those who lost their loved ones, think once, we cannot erase this suffering of them even if we try a thousand times. All their lives they will sit in the memory of this pain. I pray that the almighty Allah grant all those who were killed to Paradise. 

The Chowk-bazar fire tragedy (Collected from Google)

A real-Life Example 02:

One day I and a friend of mine went to eat at a restaurant for lunch. After we ate a little bit of our ordered food, both of us were full.

Then my friend said to me, " Friend, I thought I would eat a lot, but now I can't finish it". I never like to waste food. So, I told my friend to pack it and take it home…. But my friend said, if I take it home, then no one will eat stale food.

My stomach is full, so I can't even finish my friend's food, but I don't want to waste the food either. So, thinking about what to do, and then I suddenly saw outside of the restaurant and see that, a small child is sitting next to the dustbin and is looking at our food very petitely. Looking into the child's eyes, I realized that "foods that are junk for us, that are essential for many". So, I asked to pack our food without delay, and then I went to the child and handed the food packet to him, the child looked at me with a precious smile after receiving the food.


This event teaches us that, we waste food even if we spend money in restaurants, which should not be done at all. Giving food to all the pedestrians who actually need food
